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Road Transport: The Most Common Transportation in the World

Road Transport: The Most Common Transportation in the World

The demand to transport goods is growing in popularity and necessity in all areas of life. In order to meet many delivery purposes, there are now many options for businesses from road, sea to air freight. While air and sea freight cannot deliver door-to-door but has the function of moving goods quickly between countries, road transport is the method to help goods reach consumers. Read the following article to know all about Road Transport!

What is Road Transport?

Road Transport is simply using vehicles such as cars, trucks, containers, trailers to transport goods. This is the most common form of transportation and is often used to transport goods domestically. Road transport was born a long time ago and was first used to move cargo. The road vehicle system is increasingly advanced and optimized for road freight.

The role of road transport

  • Road transport is preferred by many shippers who want to carry goods domestically and plays a significant part in the flow of goods and the development of society.
  • The development of the country’s economy is dependent significantly on the success of the road freight industry. Through several taxes and the developed supporting services, it also contributes greatly to the budget while also producing millions of jobs for employees.
  • Road freight can also be flexibly combined with other modes of transport such as air, sea, pipeline, etc. to transport international goods.
Road Cargo Transport is frequently utilized to transport goods domestically
Road Cargo Transport is frequently utilized to transport goods domestically

Advantages and disadvantages of Road Transport


  • The form of shipping is flexible since it can move cargo directly from warehouse to warehouse, from manufacturer to consumer, and in all kinds of weather.
  • Road transport mainly uses motorbikes and trucks, so it is very versatile in the process of transporting goods, regardless of time and there is no specific time limit, just needs to be agreed upon by the parties. Shipping times are subject to change.
  • The shipper or the warehouse sender can easily choose the vehicle, arrange the route and the quantity of goods according to the requirements.
  • The road traffic system in use today is highly developed, with many North-South routes extending to support sea transportation with a system of motorways, tunnels, etc., helping to minimize travel distances in order to save money and time.
  • Capable of preserving goods with a high level of safety, ensuring the quality of goods during long-distance transportation.
  • Goods do not go through an intermediate stage such as loading goods on boxes or shelves by electric lifting tables or using human strength
  • Therefore, this method helps to save costs and labor, except in the case of long-distance transportation, which may incur additional costs.


  • Long-distance transportation frequently has to pay extra road surcharges, such as toll booths, fuel fees,…
  • Road transport also contains a number of risks, such as traffic accidents and traffic congestion, which have a substantial impact on the delivery time of goods.
  • Compared to shipping by train and sea, road cargo usually only has a limited volume and size of goods transported.
Road Freight is flexible and convenient
Road Freight is flexible and convenient

Infinite Road Transport Service

Road transport is familiar to everyone and businesses. With the advent of hundreds of freight companies, the process of transporting goods between regions in the country becomes much easier. However, if you cannot choose a reliable, standard transport unit with a variety of means of transport, it is likely that your goods will not be transported safely, quickly, and conveniently.

Why choose our service

Infinite Co., Ltd offer customers with the most prestigious and quality road transport services. With 14 years of expertise in the transportation industry, particularly in the sector of road freight, Infinite is therefore among the best transportation service unit. Infinite owns a team of tractors with highly trained drivers. Professional services and association with major domestic transportation companies to serve the needs of customers to the fullest, ensuring the best and safety on every step.

High professionalism

Coming to Infinite, a large number of vehicles, from small trucks to large containers, can ensure transportation from 200 tons to 300 tons per day. In particular, we have a daily bus schedule to ensure that small orders are delivered in the fastest time according to the time and requirements of our customers. A fast, reliable and safe shipment will help the production line operate efficiently, creating the prestige of individuals and businesses to partners.

Professional staff

With a strong legal foundation, along with reliable drivers, Infinite receives the overwhelming support of many trucking units. Well-trained drivers and reliable transportation service are what our customers really need in a trucking service and we can exceed that expectation.

With a team of professionally trained, enthusiastic, dynamic and responsible staff will support customers thoughtfully and conscientiously. Besides, with a team of drivers with many years of experience, transport and familiarize the terrain throughout the provinces and cities across the country. Customers will feel secure when using services at Infinite. Customer satisfaction is the criterion that our company always strives to achieve.

Main road freight services

  • Road transport service for import and export goods;
  • Door-to-door freight forwarding service;
  • Domestic container shipping service from major ports in Vietnam: Ho Chi Minh – Da Nang – Hai Phong;
  • Commodity insurance services;
  • South – Central – North freight service;
  • Service of transporting project goods, super-heavy goods to neighboring countries: Laos, Cambodia, China…

Road transport supply process at Infinite

4 Steps of Process
4 Steps of  Working Process

Service benefits

  • Economical rates, detailed to each transportation kilometer
  • New generation trucks, with large exploitation capacity
  • Ability to control, track detailed journey in real time (Real-time)
  • Commit, guarantee 100% freight
  • Consulting on suitable transportation options according to the specific needs of the organization/enterprise
  • Delivery of goods to all 63 provinces and cities nationwide
  • Optimizing the transportation plan according to the route and schedule of the business
  • The system of large, mobile and flexible vehicles meets the different transportation needs of each business.

Infinite pledges to deliver and receive goods at the agreed-upon time and destination. Quick customs processing, clear travel directions, and a commitment to not charge additional shipping fees. Give complete transaction records and invoices. Professional team always available to help consumers.

Contact us

Address: 110 Cach Mang Thang Tam Street, Vo Thi Sau Ward, District 3, Ho Chi Minh City, Viet Nam

Email: info@infinite.com.vn

Hotline: 0283 8230910

Facebook: www.facebook.com/infinite.logisticsandshipping

Linkedin: www.linkedin.com/in/infinite-ils-co-ltd